You DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND every game

You DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND every game

While his is my story, there will likely be bits and pieces that will resonate with you. Parents love to watch their kids play, in any sport or extracurricular activity.  They love to see their interactions, their engagement and hopefully their growth not just as a...
When a 7-1 record is a bad choice

When a 7-1 record is a bad choice

When WINNING an event (7-1) was still the WRONG choice To date, the team in this post was our most competitive team, with 13 players moving onto the college level. This post is a recounting of a single weekend in this team’s 2 year commitment with Basics. In...
Time is Short

Time is Short

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Parents:  I know this is a LOT OF STUFF!!  I get how busy everybody is.  But these are your children, and I love children!  So i sometimes get quite detailed about issues like this (Our tournament approach) because I think it takes...
Basics Mindset – Coopersville Girls Basketball

Basics Mindset – Coopersville Girls Basketball

We used to list the athletes who were doing this work.  Not anymore.  EVERYBODY is doing this work at the college and pro level.  And almost NOONE at the HIGH SCHOOL level.  TIP – this is a huge advantage for teams-players that do this work.     Coach...