Basics Comes to Charleston, SC
Thru early March
PHOTO -Ohio State Strength Coach under Urban Meyer when the Buckeyes won the 2014 National Championship. “Coach McGannon, the Basics Mindset is very similar to what our players went through in Columbus. What an advantage for these younger athletes to get this training.” Coach Rick Court. Also pictured is the reigning MAC Player of the Year, Sophia Wiard, one of the best players in the country. Video here of Sophia scoring 40 vs Kent State. She has been through the Mindset multiple times, discussing its strength in this clip.
Coach McGannon’s bio, Coach is staying on Folly Beach, thru early March
The Winning Outcomes page describes businesses and athletic programs that have experienced the power of this training.
Basics Mindset Training Opportunities
- Private (1 on 1) Training. $125. Calendar below.
- Team/Program Training. $50 per player, max $1500
- Business/Organization Training. $50 per staff, max $1500
- Speaking Engagements: $500. 90 minutes
Basics Basketball Training Opportunities
- Private (1 on 1) Training. Identify a loaction 1st
- Group Open Training. Identify a loaction 1st
- Basics SKILLS CHANNEL describes our approach in video
- NOTE: over 200 Basics graduates have made it to the college level, 16 D-1
- That is roughly 10% of our HS players since 2011. National average: 1%
- Call or text Coach with questions 616 402-1600

The Basics Mindset training improves confidence, resilience, commitment and attitude.
Mental strength tools are powerful. Learn how to approach adversity and challenge with resolve, creating a competitive advantage. These outcomes have life-long applications.
A winning mindset is as vital as well-developed technical skills.
Upcoming Charleston SC Trainings
Charleston Southern University chooses Mental Strength Training
The Basics Mindset helps athletes, teams, businesses, and organizations develop a competitive advantage by establishing a winning mindset. Having the tools to handle adversity with resilience and resolve provides a pathway for positive outcomes. A winning mindset is as vital as well-developed technical skills.

Basics Mindset
Mental strength tools and routines are powerful.The Basics Mindset training improves confidence, resilience, and fosters stronger commitment & attitude. Learn how to approach adversity and challenge with resolve, creating a competitive advantage in generating positive outcomes with life-long applications.