High Schools who have participated either with individual players or full programs
Allendale, Byron Center, Caledonia, Calvin Christian, Cedar Springs, East Grand Rapids, Forest Hills, Fremont, Fruitport, Grand Haven, GR Christian, Grandville, Grant, Greenville, Hart, Holland, Hudsonville Unity, Hudsonville HS, Kenowa Hills, Lowell, Ludington, Mason County, Mona Shores, Montague, Muskegon, N. Muskegon, Newaygo, Northpointe Christian, Reeths Puffer, Rockford, Saugatuck, Shelby, Spring Lake, South Christian, Tri County, West Catholic, WMC,West Ottawa, Zeeland, Zion Christian.
- Dartmouth College: Womens Golf and Water Polo Photo below
- Charleston Southern University: Womens Basketball Photo below
“Coach McGannon, thank you for sharing your wisdom on mental strength with our team. We know this training will help us especially in tight games.”
Coach Clarisse Garcia, Head Coach, Charleston Southern University (D-1)
Parent-Player-Coaches Comments
Coach, thank you very much for working with our team. It is valuable training. Coaches Yvonne Mckessy, Barb Hartliep. Grand Haven Soccer
He was a very tentative player his entire childhood before doing the mental strength training course with you. He taped the notes up on his bathroom mirror. Does Mikan drills all the time and wants to be the best player next year. Total transformation! I’m happy with him no matter how he performs, but I think it’s great that he’s actualizing his abilities. I’m a huge Basics fan now . You’ll see a lot of us going forward.
I get mad so easily. I know it messes me up. How do I solve this problem?
In the upcoming season, we will be a really young varsity team. I’m concerned that we will not be able to compete. I also feel like it will be a lot of pressure on me and the other upper classmen and I don’t want to be on a losing team. We’ve also lost several assistant coaches. This is going to be a tough year.
Sometimes my team mates really criticize me and make me feel bad.
From Rockford HS: “Coach McGannon. The girls finished 5th in the state championship and Jessica (our # 1 player) finished 3rd individually and was named to the Michigan Super Team. She shot 64 after our initial meeting with you!! Your training was instrumental in helping these players cope with the adversity and poor outcomes, thank you so much!! The assessment really set the stage for them to address their weaknesses. Our football team is aware of this training and will be in touch. Coach Scott Kruisenga’
One of the best guards in West Michigan attended a mental strength session recently. This player was struggling with confidence, particularly anxiety after turnovers and poor play. In the very next game, here is the stat line. 21 points, 6 assists and NO TURNOVERS in a tight 2 point win over a conference rival.
My daughter REALLY benefited from her session with you Coach! Previously she would make excuses and lay blame over things she could NOT control. Your training has flipped a switch, we are very grateful!
I feel my mental strength is pretty good, however I tend to get caught up when I make mistakes. I also get flustered when I miss a blocking assignment and I know the coach will get mad at me.
I’m a person who just has poor confidence in myself for pretty much everything but I’m working on it everyday. I also have a huge fear of failing and making mistakes on and off the soccer field even though I know they are a part of the game and life itself.
I led the team in goals the past 2 years but I struggle with what my team mates think and say about me. They mess around in practice and I sometimes get in trouble. I am not sure how to handle this.
I was 4 over after 9 holes. I felt I needed to make something happen. I always force it, I know I should be patient but I don’t know how. I made 3 doubles on the back nine and really felt I turned a poor round into a terrible round. How do I get past this?
(NOTE: D-1 player) I am in law school now, but many of these assessment criteria still apply. I graduated college in 2018 but still play golf frequently. I often play with fear.
(NOTE: D-1 player) I had a lot of freedom last year. But I constantly worry about mistakes. I expect to play perfectly. I often recall plays I totally messed up and I almost never recall the great plays I’ve made. I know I have to reverse this.
(NOTE: D-1 Ivy League team at Dartmouth College) ‘Coach, the players and I are very thankful for your visit to Hanover. They have struggled with mistakes and poor shots and rounds all year. Your training really made a difference, they play with more patience now, more calm! Thank you so much.” Alex Kirk, Women’s Head Golf Coach, Dartmouth College
I struggle with making mistakes and dwelling on them which leads me to playing with fear. I really don’t want to let my team mates down.
Sometimes I feel nervous about attacking because I feel I cannot make it past defenders and make the play. I want to work on being aggressive and believing i can score.
I play travel soccer and we go around the state and sometimes out of state. It’s fun but a lot of pressure and time. I feel bad for my parents. They are so busy with work but a bunch of weekends are spent on the road. I can see it is tough on them. They think they have to do this for me to stay competitive.
I’m anxious about losing my starter’s spot at quarterback. I know this affects my performance. When I make a mistake, it’s in the back of my mind which makes me even more nervous. How do I play without being so nervous?
I didn’t receive much playing time this past year and my coach was extremely negative and not the greatest with good advice.
Sometimes I worry that I am too nice when I should be more concerned about taking MY shot, I often think my teammates feel that they need the ball more, thus I pass the ball when I should take the shot.
In tournaments, I’m scared to death of 3 putting. I know if I 3 putt, I will struggle on the next holes. I HAVE TO GET PAST THIS!
Often, when I make a mistake, I feel bad for my team, and myself, but that mistake makes me play better, harder, and stronger so that I can still compete in the game.
I think instead of getting mad at teammates we should tell them what they did wrong because it gets me pretty unfocused when my teammates are mad at me.
I feel fairly confident in my overall skill and my work ethic, but due to my limited amount of play, I feel that my skills might be a bit behind when it comes to playing in the game.
Sometimes I feel like I’m not good enough to be playing and should just quit. I feel like I won’t meet people’s expectations of me and let everyone around me down.
When my coach is more vocal it helps me to play my best so I know if I’m doing something wrong. He is positive which is great! I have also had coaches who are NOT positive, they become angry which makes us all nervous.
I think too much about what I want to do when I have the ball and I take longer to react than others
I am really hard on myself, but I need to get out of my own head. When I am able to just play without getting frustrated, I play much better.
I like practice and playing games but not when it’s not fun and I’m not enjoying it. For me, it’s not all about just the sport, it’s also about your team. I wanna get better so I can make the team but it’s a very high standard in this school and my mindset is already set that I’m not going to make the team.
I get very nervous before and while playing. I don’t want to let anyone down. I REALLY don’t want to embarrass myself.
I feel like sometimes I’ll overestimate or underestimate the abilities of the opposing teams and play down to the level I think they are and I get to in my head about how others are playing rather than my own play.
I put WAY too much pressure on myself. I have been the leading scorer on my teams since grade school. Also my parents have really high expectations and not always in a good way. If I’m not the leading scorer or I have an off game, my dad is really hard on me. He told me maybe I should quit playing because colleges will not notice me if I play the way I’m playing. It makes me really anxious. I know he wants what is best for me but I feel so much pressure. I am so nervous about making mistakes, I feel I need to play perfectly. I need to learn to relax and play with freedom. Sometimes I don’t even want to play.
I’m way too hard on myself. I have a lot of expectations from coaches, teachers, my friends all of that. Which I know is a blessing and I’m so thankful for that, I do have a lot of people tell me great things. I hear all the time about how good I am and how any college would take me but it’s a lot to deal with. I feel like I always have to be number 1. And I want to be number 1 I do but it comes with stress. And I stress and I care too much about what people think of me. I get scared when competition comes, I always think people are talking bad things about me. And it gets in my head when I have parents in the stands talk smack about my number and my team. It’s a lot. I think I just need to know not to care and handle that pressure and expectations.
I want to be able to believe in myself and my game after coming back from knee surgery and being able to play with confidence and free again. I had more goals than anyone 2 years in a row, I think I can get back to that level.
I don’t think I have full confidence yet. This makes me hold back because I’m afraid of making mistakes so I usually just pass the puck under pressure. I am proud of my attitude, love for hockey and my hustle.
I get these unhelpful thoughts that stick around in my head for a long period of time. They can completely affect how I go about my day and also how I play.
I would say that my biggest weakness would probably be freezing under pressure and losing confidence I’m hoping that I can get more comfortable with my setting and all around court play in general.
Sometimes my team mates mess around and don’t focus on practice and it annoys me. I like it when my coach helps me improve, but it makes me feel like I’m terrible when the coach is harsh. For the question “Do I treat myself with respect if I fail” I sometimes yell at myself, I am a bit of a perfectionist.
Coach McGannon comments–This is valuable training. This service teaches players to deal with mistakes, failure, expectations, fear among many other tendencies and frailties athletes share. Now factor in CoVid with all its uncertainty. Choosing this service will help level each player’s thinking before, during and after competition.
Admitting this is NOT a weakness. It is a strength.
NOTE: Athletes/teams/programs with skill and condition who then embrace this training will be tough to beat. The opposite is also true. Teams that have skill and condition but do not deal well with adversity or poor play will often get beaten by lesser teams. How many times have we seen this? A LOT!
When I run a bad route, I feel terrible. It affects my next route. I need to get past this and this assessment and training helped me a ton.
The mental strength really helped! She went 10 for 14 at the plate in the tournament including a home run, triple and 2 doubles. The strike outs did not keep her down.”
I am not certain what you spoke about but I wanted to tell you what an impact you have made on her in a short period of time. I have seen a positive shift already. There is so much negative in the world right now, so this was both a positive and effective turn for the better. Basics is a blessing to my kid at time she really needed it. Thank you.
I shot 42 on the front 9 and then your training kicked in. I took it 1 shot at a time. I did not dwell on my poor play. I focused on my routine and I visualized each shot. I shot my best 9 hole score ever (33) and finished 2nd in the event! Thank you so much!!
Volleyball is so intense that when I missed a simple pass or set, I became timid. I was afraid of making mistakes. This training REALLY helped me. Thank you so much Coach!
Coach we are deeply grateful Basics also addresses the mental side of the game. He has always been the best technical player, but is so hard on himself. He gets in his own way all the time. The hour he spent with you really opened his eyes. His confidence level is much higher now. How he thinks AFFECTS how he plays. THANK YOU!!
I am able to trap, possess and control the ball better than anyone in practice. But in games, I was not nearly as good. This training opened my eyes. I learned that soccer is often about how I HANDLE my mistakes, how I react to failure. I am grateful for this mental strength training, it has really helped my game!
We are so glad you spoke with him. It is a huge help to us as parents. When you addressed setbacks and adversity, this was EXACTLY what he needed to hear. Kids nowadays are used to instant gratification at a cost to their well being. This service is a powerful tool to help these youngsters learn and thrive.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]