
Sun 09/29/24    
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm


Bookings closed


Rockford: 6060 Belding Rd
6060 Belding Rd NE, Rockford, MI, 49341

Event Type

  1. Coaches and parents may sit in at no cost to observe.
  2. Player Walk ins OK:  $50 at the door

The photos below are of specific programs that have chosen this service privately.  Please inquire if interested for your program or business.  616 402-1600

GR West Catholic High School 2023 pic Caledonia HS Girls Varsity 2023 pic

West Catholic Football                   Caledonia Golf                   Hortech Inc

2023 GHHS Girls Soccer Varsity webSLHS Boys Basketball 2024 web image

Pinewood Prep Baseball      Grand Haven Soccer          Spring Lake Basketball

What is the team or individual’s

  1. Level of Skill
  2. Level of Condition
  3. Mental Toughness

The Basics Mindset is required training for serious athletes and teams hoping to reach their potential. Coach McGannon’s bio here. 

“Coach, we won the Class 4 state championship, the 2nd largest division in South Carolina!  There is no doubt your Mindset contributed to our run, the girls would often recount the tools IN THE GAMES, helping one another through the tough times.  Can’t wait to have you back next year!”   Coach Osborne (Soccer)


ONLY online registration has been closed for this session, however, spaces may still be available. Contact us at 616-402-1600 or [email protected] for updated pricing and to register.