
Thu 02/02/23    
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Bookings closed


Charleston, SC
1100 Pavillion Dr, Isle of Palms, SC, 29451
  • Location does NOT have to be IOP.  We can meet anywhere in the Charleston area.
  • This session expires the day before at 700 PM

Coach played D-1 in 2 sports in the Ivy League at Dartmouth College.  He then played basketball in Europe and professional golf based in Pinehurst, NC.  BIO HERE  This will be the best hour your son, daughter, team or program spends ALL YEAR.  

Step 1;  REGISTER here

Step 2:  A mental strength assessment will be sent to you.

Step 3:  We meet and go over the results

Step 4:  The player/team/program will learn CRITICAL TOOLS they will apply in competition (see videos below)

Step 5:  A follow up date is set to go over how the player(s) are applying the tools they have learned.

  1. Individual cost: $125 includes a follow up in 30 days
  2. Team cost: $80 per athlete includes a follow up in 30 days

This training is also effective virtually as I will have the player’s mental strength assessment as the pivot point for the training.

If players, teams, programs are truly serious about competing to the best of their ability, this training is required.  It teaches athletes how to handle adversity and fight through the ROLLER COASTER that is athletics.  SEE PLAYER-PARENT-COACH comments here.

Good for ALL SPORTS.  All training with Coach Jim McGannon

Some brief videos describing the power of this training

  1. What is Mental Strength?  3:29
  2. Get Your Head In The Game  .40
  3. Mental Strength Champions  3:40
  4. Learning to NOT CARE about what other people think: 4:04


ONLY online registration has been closed for this session, however, spaces may still be available. Contact us at 616-402-1600 or [email protected] for updated pricing and to register.